A Look at the Portuguese World


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The wild-roll was named by SPEA in order to draw their attention to the decline of the species in our territory. Maybe you already saw this bird, the Streptopelia turtur (scientific name), or at least heard it singing differently. It's a wild-roll which although is a common species in Portuguese…
It created a database that allows access to all sorts of information about the world of Portuguese botany. An interface search on the photographical, the geographical and morphological Portuguese flora is available to all who want information on specific plant species. The innovative project developed by the Portuguese society of…
A Portuguese scientific study that lasted four years, conducted by the University of Algarve, found the oldest living creature in the biosphere. Is not a weed, nor is a seaweed, look like a green tuft, but it is the oldest creature on the planet. It is the posidonic oceanic, a…
  The marine park of Professor Luiz Saldanha is a success in sustainable conservation of species that interact with humans over its 12 years of existence. The impact of overfishing on marine biodiversity has been a major concern of the scientific community. The issue has sparked heated debates in the…
  The United States and the Government of the Azores signed an agreement that will allow the creation of a weather station on the island of Graciosa The U.S. Department of Energy will build a weather infrastructure on the island of Graciosa. The University of the Azores is the privileged…
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