A Look at the Portuguese World


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O MERC'ART 2018 está de volta à LX Factory de 13 de Novembro a 22 de Dezembro, para apresentar obras de arte originais. Este ano serão 30 os artistas, desde os mais conceituados às estrelas em ascensão, sem esquecer os estreantes. Todos, num contentor à entrada da LX Factory.Para esta…
The Art Gallery of the Convento Espírito Santo, in Loulé, receives from September 24th to November 3rd, the exhibition "Influences Sublimes", by the artist Rico Sequeira. In this exhibition cohabit painting drawing, which the artist titled sublime influences."In principle there is nothing, then there is a deep nothing, then a…
The AFID Difference Foundation closes the exhibition season with the artistic show "Pés Fora do Chão", written by the Foundation's artists, which will be open until August 31 at the Thalia Theater. The AFID Difference Foundation debuted for the first time at the Thalía Theater with this fifth large exhibition…
The exhibition Melancholy by Hélder Folgado, a partnership project between the MUDAS.Museum of Contemporary Art in Madeira and the Galeria dos Prazeres. This show will have simultaneous opening in the two cultural spaces on 11th August. Galeria do MUDAS.Museu de Arte Contemporânea - 18h00 | Galeria dos Prazeres - 20h00
FaLang translation system by Faboba





