A Look at the Portuguese World


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É mais um filme de um jovem cineasta, Rui Moreira, que gostaria de destacar. É uma curta-metragem tem um certo caracter original na forma como constrói a acção, ou seja, o argumento, assistimos ao percurso matinal de um jovem, em passo e em corrida, que ao chegar ao seu destino…
It is a semi-documentary film of Filipa Reis and John Miller Guerra. Its movie colored with hope. It is a generation that sees its future with more positive expectations, as the result of a sense of belonging that comes from being a membership of the orchestra generation. The method of…
It's the adaptation of a text of a Portuguese writer by the hand of the filmmaker Manoel de Oliveira. Eccentricities of a blonde girl is a movie without surprises. It is an adaptation of a text of Eça de Queiroz to the film language of Manoel de Oliveira. It's a…
It is one more a cinematic Portuguese panorama in the city of Coimbra, between the days 10th and 17th of November. The festival "Paths of Portuguese Cinema" continues with the release ofnational cinema showing all the Portuguese production of last year, highlighting the film of Joao Correa and Francisco Manso,…
The Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival takes place from the 9th to the 18th of November in various areas of the capital and municipality of Cascais. The program of LEFFEST'12 strong bets in a wide variety cinematic, as indeed has been the hallmark of its previous editions. The highlight will…
FaLang translation system by Faboba





