A Look at the Portuguese World


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The taking of Santa Maria has the merit of showing one of the most important chapters of contemporary Portuguese history, at least one interpretation of this event, which is interspersed with a romance, but this imagined by screenwriters, between two young people who are caught by the political crossfire, in…
It's the adventure of two friends who decide to write about a fictional murder, or they thought, with unpredictable consequences. The mystery of the road to Sintra is a literary duel written on four hands, one off the genius of Eça de Queiroz and other with his disturbing writing Ramalho…
It's the debut of Miguel Vivas as a director. This film repeatedly won awards in international festivals It is a very scary short film. It is the realm of the undead that invades a remote village somewhere in the country side, so it seems. It's a horror movie with a…
It is the reunion of a generation disenchanted with the promised future. It is a story of self-discovery of the director, Telmo Martins. A funeral in the rain is the story of a reunion of friends almost ten years after them finishing university. With this film we might even be…
At first Luis Ismael just knew h wanted to make movies. After engendered a surreal story with four characters who do not acknowledge the existence of internet or mobile phones. From what was meant to be a short film, expanded to the sides and became a box office phenomenon in…
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