A Look at the Portuguese World


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  Diana Coelho is a young jewelry designer who was born in Lisbon , moved to England when was 21, where completed a Master of Arts in the London Metropolitan University . Founded her brand in 2010 , a funky design concept of urban contemporary jewelery and still she continues…
   Joana Ribeiro is a jewelry author designer, inspired by the textures found in nature. Its unique and artistic pieces reflect a large plastic and unique diversity, which won not only the female audience, as juries of several national and international competitions. Many jewelers are inspired by nature, what distinguishes…
   Liliana Alves is a jewelry designer who bet on pieces that blend the past with the contemporary , is a symbiosis between the traditional , through the filigree, and a present filled with unusual and innovative materials. How does this get your passion for jewelery ?Liliana Alves: I 've…
    It is a fashion brand design created by young designer Mariana Sousa seeking to appeal to more youthful and charming spirit of Portuguese women at any age. Why you decided to pursue a career as a fashion designer?Mariana Sousa: Because it is been with me since I was…
The Storytailors are a duo of Portuguese designers who celebrated in October 10 years of existence. When Luis Sanchez and João Branco took the catwalk by storm with their first collection chins fell off  with such a cheerful and transgressive creativity and at the end there was a rain of…
FaLang translation system by Faboba





