Summer is conducive to the greater use of this critical piece of any female wardrobe.
Skirts are believed to have had its origin in the primitive woman, wearing a hunting excess skin wrapped around the waist. In the Mesolithic period. In ancient times in Sumerian, 3000 BC, there are statues with pieces that resemble the shape of a longer skirt, as we currently conceived. The idea expands and eventually was adopted by other civilizations. In the Middle Ages curiously, with the emergence of a new piece female, the bodice, the most distant relative of the corset, the skirt appears as a complement been very long, with pleats, aimed primarily cover the legs and ankles in particular, one of most erogenous zones in those eras. Forbidden fruit is always coveted. In the following centuries, were richly embroidered skirts and even had tails. Clearly, the longest and finest fabrics were only accessible to ladies of the nobility. With the beginning of the industrial revolution and the emergence of a new social class, the bourgeoisie, it was necessary to create clothing that identifies this new group. So these female parts were replaced by the pannier, and even that grew laterally to two meters wide, this piece was placed on this frame and finally the petticoat skirt. In the nineteenth century, as wasn't bad enough the use the corset to make a smaller waist, the skirt finally shrinks an inch and a woman can say is liberated. However, it appears an artifact that resembles the tail of an insect, called a bustle that allowed highlight the most erogenous zone at the time of the female body. The very name betrays a bit of the anatomy of the area referred to. The knees appear only in the beginning of the twentieth century, in the 1920's, and then yes we can speak of a fluid silhouette, no longer women wear corsets, or other products aimed the changing the female body. Only in 60's, the real revolution happens, the Mary Quant miniskirt. It was the break with all kinds of conventions and stereotypes that led to the burning of bras, seen as a part of women's oppression. The men were the ones who no doubt wan this whole process, because since then, various lengths change depending on trends, or the taste of women. The odd thing is this little summary was in the end trying to understand why women over the centuries to subject themselves voluntarily, and continue to do so in other forms and against all odds try to change its nature, their physical appearance, and subjecting then selves to the most terrible treatment.