You to interpret the information?
TN: It's a job for two. The person brings the piece they know my work and identify with it, ask me to include the object in a scenario that will be unique and original, because hardly anyone will have an equal. These works are the one I like to do the most, because they are unexpected, which forces you to think and how we solve the puzzle of this more specific work.
On average to create these regional figures, how long do you take?
TN: This is the most common question. I'll answer the same; it is very difficult to say how long it takes to make a doll. Why? Generally, the piece is made from the beginning to the end of the process by me. There are delays, because there are at times some specific details not apparent at the beginning and can take much longer. Then the other dolls that derive from this first are much faster to develop, but it's hard to say because they are all different, many hours, many back pain and shoulder, but when I look at the finished piece and the satisfaction in the customer faces does everything goes away.
You draw first?
TN: Some yes, for the frames. The first doll was designed and tested, now everything is automated so that I do I want to and add details. When I want to create a frame, I draw. Maybe it's addiction training, because I come from the area of architecture, like the professional design little has to do with the final product, but is the beginning of a commitment that will be changing to a finished piece, but it helps a lot for at least organize the ideas of what I intend to reach, the ultimate goal.
Do you have idea of the number of clients you have?
TN: No.
You know you are on the rise?
TN: Yes, because the best advertising is through mouth to mouth and this has happened to me. I have a customer who buys it, when she takes to work turns out to offer them and her friends come to me. It has a multiplier effect. I have more fixed customers because they like to use more often my accessories and there are those who only use them at special times and orders are not so often, but know they can count on me to fulfill their needs.
How many replicas of the traditional costumes of Madeira you made?
TN: So far I have done 70, but I do not know how many there are, or even know if there is any person related to the folklore that you can answer that.
Where do you get this stuff?
TN: There is little scientific and accurate information on the subject. There are studies done by the folklore groups, so I talk to them and ask. The dresses can be for a single girl, a married woman, and then there are the costumes of work. Another way to search through the older postcards, but I have to be careful, because whoever did them, also made an interpretation of the clothing and I do not know to what extent this reading is faithful to reality. Then there are some books, no pictures, describing in detail some parts. Customers are also a source of information, when I participate in certain events; people come to me and explain to me the origin of the costumes. They add to the information I have. This is one of the aspects I like most of my work. People may think that the accessories are futile, but I think it depends on the emotional burden placed on each subject. These are not gold or diamond, turn out to be caring little gems in which I deposit a lot of care in doing them, because even if I make half a dozen, each of which may have a name, each one has a look and a different smile. Then when the person buys it has that special meaning is not futile. It serves to remind the island, to evoke the joy of Madeira their smile and it's very colorful. I have an English couple who contacted me and were very happy indeed to find me recently, because two years ago, purchase me a piece that offered to their granddaughter and she loves this doll and that brings me great satisfaction. The work is not in vain. The idea is to pass this knowledge, joy and affection. It's not just the part, but everything that surrounds it.
You want to try other lines, other collections in the future?
TN: The concept is "living nature" and within the vision I have three lines, flowers, folklore and the "lost and found." I thought of many things, but there are physical limitations of time and because it is very difficult to find someone who works with me. It is a very personal, very detailed work and there are so mine that give them to someone else to finish it would be very complicated. The packaging is made out, but a lot of graphic design is done by me, are areas I can explore. In terms of craftsmanship, the work I do is reflected only in such parts. I have many ideas yet to mature. I want to create a website, but only to show my work, do not intend to sell them online because not everyone is looking for it to purchase, it is to copy it, they distorts the concept, people feel cheated because it is not like the original. So I prefer a more personalized treatment and it's going so far so good.