There is a temporary connection between women and some types of fabrics.
When I came across some of the pictures on one of the new trends of this season, I could not help but smile, the total denim look is one of those things that apparently looks good, but over the years quickly we perceive ourselves that is a mistake. Wear denim from head to toe is one of those combinations to be avoided at all costs, it is not that it is bad, just does not work. It is a blue overdose that only hurts to look at is pure visual pollution. Believe it! I've got proof! I have a picture with some of my friends in that we all showed up smiling dressed in denim and the only aspect that makes me truly happy about that image in particular is that it was one of the most beautiful stages of my life, a real Kodac moment. Looking now to our garments I cannot avoid the sigh, it is not that we are ugly, on the contrary, we are even quite beautiful (without any false modesty) but the clothing, Aaarg! It hurts. New sigh! I think all of us, without exception, at some point in our lives we let ourselves be influenced by the fashion trends and when one does not achieve a definite style is enough for committing a series of mistakes. If it was today, no one would ever caught me dead in 100% denim. In the end what should prevail is our personal style, know not only what looks good on us, but with what make us feel great. And for me, without a doubt, this spirit of be yourself works, because on the one hand the total denim look never more again at any time, on the other, the combination of a denim pants with a white shirt and high heels never fails and definitely is not out of fashion. Therefore, the only advice I can possibly leave, if you wish, is to test, do not be afraid to experiment and if you don't feel comfortable in your own skin, powerful and feminine, then change the style without hesitation and give away immediately the unwanted pieces in case of a new relapse and to avoid clutter your closet with clothes that you are never going to wear.