A Look at the Portuguese World


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It's an album that breaks with the style of black metal and lays the foundation for the new sounds of the band. The Moonspell is the gothic metal band most emblematic of our country. The album Wolf heart was a debut of this group in a new type of sounds,…
Reggae for the "souls of fire" is a philosophy of life. A state of consciousness that promotes serenity, joy and respect for others. During these ten years of existence, this band of Jamaican influence sought to pass this message in English, but also in Portuguese. A duality that has always…
In the two B & C productions was audible the investment in new bands singing in Portuguese and English. One of the bands that is part of the soundtrack of the movie "bullets and cookies" are the Fonzie. It is an indie band that composes themes in English and Portuguese.…
It is one of the last albums edited by Jorge Palma and the second some dissenting voices say is the more commercial of all the already edited to date. Talking about Jorge Palma itself is an event. It is without much doubt, one of the greatest composers of our country.…
Two stamps and a seal is a memorable album, already platinum, which traverses the musical memory of a city and marks the sound of this band. Deolinda character is a female with a red shawl, slippers on her feet and ripped smile personified by four musicians who make the delights…
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