A Look at the Portuguese World


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Durante todo o mês de Novembro o teatro tome conta da cidade. Almada é com toda a certeza terra de teatro.  Se o Festival de Almada é prova bastante da vitalidade da atividade teatral do concelho, certo é, também, que os muitos grupos de teatro de Almada que se mantêm há…
In the 2018 edition of the Amateur Theater Show (MAT'18), the presentation space of the Amador Theater Groups of Guimarães repeats the revised and expanded format of 2017, with programming by Oficina Theater. All the groups in the county were able to respond to the public call, as usual. They…
On October 11th and 12th at 9:00 pm, the actor and director Pedro Lamares will appear on the stage of the Baltazar Dias Municipal Theater for the full reading of Álvaro de Campos's "Ode Marítima". This is one of the most challenging texts of Portuguese poetry. A mad voyage through…
The consecrated choreographer Victor Hugo Pontes will present at the Cine-Teatro Louletano, next Saturday, September 29, at 9.30 pm, the creation of a dance "If you ever need my life, come and take it", in absolute debut to the south of this show based on the work "The Gaivota", of…
As usual, with the new season is also born an agenda with new graphics and new highlights.In the course of the last few years, plans for the 2018/2019 season will continue to focus on an eclectic program that caters to a wide range of audiences and can also cover various…
FaLang translation system by Faboba





