A Look at the Portuguese World


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    Com direcção artística de Victor Hugo Pontes e interpretação de Leonor Keil e de Rafaela Santos, será apresentado de 25 a 27 de Janeiro pelas 21h30 e no dia 28 pelas 16h30 na sala Estúdio Amélia Rey Colaço - Robles Monteiro, no Teatro Nacional Dona Maria II. O…
The play VÄLUTE is an imaginary place, a frontier, invisible territory. Everything is possible in it. The dream is confused with reality. The man is a woman, who is a man again, who is an animal, who is nothing. At shadows move without owner, without light. The memory is diffuse…
No próximo sábado, 9 de Dezembro às 21H30, o Cine-Teatro João Verde em Monção recebe A NOITE DA DONA LUCIANA de Copi. A NOITE DE DONA LUCIANA  de Copi Tradução ISABEL ALVES Encenação RICARDO NEVES-NEVES Assistência de encenação CATARINA RÔLO SALGUEIRO Elenco CUSTÓDIA GALLEGO, JOSÉ LEITE, MÁRCIA CARDOSO, RAFAEL GOMES, RITA…
This is the third play written by Jorge Ribeiro de Castro, and staged by the company Bolo do Caco Theatre. For the playrwriter, "as always, it is a journey through the most intimate and dissonant of the human being, emphasizing a reality in which society does not care about moral…
Dimo Kirilov Milev, Luis Marrafa, Maša Kolar, Sam Coren, Silke Zimmerman, Teresa Ranieri and Winifred Burnet-Smith are the teachers, dancers, or choreographers invited by the Paulo Ribeiro Company for the cycle Formation Labs in Dance which takes place between November 2017 and March 2018. Trainees with a distinguished professional background…
FaLang translation system by Faboba





