A Look at the Portuguese World


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It is a journey through the various national museums on RTP 2 I like museums. They are an accumulation of wisdom, knowledge and beauty under the most varied forms that carry with them the signs of a culture, a civilization, of human kind. In this program, which pleases me most…
It is a magazine that shows science that is done in our country and in the world. Vasco Matos Trigo is the host "with science", a program that addresses the scientific advances that are developed in our country and abroad. It is television content that has two major assumptions, shows…
It is a documentary series that "travel" through the various neighborhoods of the city of Lisbon. The first signs of change are always visible in cities. In this case Lisbon is the backdrop for a series of documentaries that illustrate how the residents arrive and look at their neighborhood. A…
It is new formats of the grid of SIC television "Until the truth" hurts. Honestly, a program that seeks to "solve" cold police cases through two mediums, for god sake, that only works in fiction. Is a television format that cannot fit anywhere, I dont understand the purpose of this…
It may not be the best news program on sport, but is without a doubt the most fun. Normally I do not see sports programs. By the way, I rarely watch the broadcasts of football games, but I confess that as the country turned to be in love again by…
FaLang translation system by Faboba





