A Look at the Portuguese World


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The program of Professor Jose Hermano Saraiva discusses the history of various regions of Portugal. A program that should have been banned for life. Is it possible for anyone with responsibilities of programming in RTP, yet finds it acceptable to broadcast over a teacher's program Hermano Saraiva? I have nothing…
This is one of the most successful TV formats of the Public Portuguese Television and fully recorded in the studios of Porto. The square of joy is a prime example of longevity of the Portuguese public television, and although I am not the target audience for this program, I believe…
The public channel finally invests in new audiences. It is the Internet generation arriving to the television programming. Over the years, RTP-Madeira produced many programs that had only one public, the emigrants. The theme was the same, with the same traditions, the same recipes, the same folk dancing and the…
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