It's one of financial contain measures of the current government for public television.
More than once in this heading I defended the need of a public television service and the announcement of Antonio Borges about the extinction of RTP2 left me in shock, because, behind there is a merely economical reason . The argument of the low audiences proves once again that the politicians who govern us are mere fools. The second channel was geared to a very specific type of audience that doesn't watch the first channel, its television content promote the arts, films, religious and cultural diversity, which means it provides true public service. If what we paid of rate is not enough to keep the two channels, this is only due to poor management throughout the years. What is demonstrated with this measure is that to be culture is power and as such is a problem for the ones that rule the people, is a very dangerous weapon because it is difficult to control; it is based on the premises of freedom of expression. Maybe I'll have to correct my statement earlier, the politicians are not as fools as I thought, but I'm not stupid also. The measures announced not only destroy jobs and send to unemployment hundreds of excellent professionals, but also eliminate some critical sense that is the hallmark of the second channel and as such I can only have one proposal, the struggle. At the end of this text is a link that leads you to a public petition in support of RTP2.,1085,779764