A Look at the Portuguese World


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Making a journey through the railways of Europe requires some planning. I always wanted to do the interrail and began to cherish the dream of a backpacking trip back across Europe, since I heard the first reports of my friends over the years that embarked on this kind of adventure,…
  It is a journey through the beautiful scenery of the archipelago of Madeira. The origins of the Fajãs date back to the cessation of volcanic activity on the island. In geological terms result from the upper land collapse, along the coastline, which disintagrates the mountain slopes, without any warning…
  It is a journey through time by the fishing district of Câmara de Lobos. Life in a small islet was like being on an island within the island. We were surrounded by a sea of people that left no room for dream or poetry. Everyday life was made of…
The five year anniversary is coming and to mark the occasion I decided I would like that you, the readers, wherever are you tell me what you think about the magazine. All you have to do is write in the comments of this text, that is, where they come from,…
It is a text where I want to do the analysis of the events that shook the media last year. I would say first of all that not very much appreciate this idea of balance, although I have made them as you know. However, this year I decided to write…
FaLang translation system by Faboba





