In June 22nd 1901 an event takes place that will indelibly mark the history of the island and the farm, the arrival of King Don Carlos and Queen Dona Amélia . A triumphant stay with festivals and ceremonies much uninterrupted that honored the locals and in particular, the viscounts of Cacongo who had the privilege of offering their royal majesties a long lunch at the Orchard Farm. However, it was not all roses, the eldest son of João José Leitão had died in Lândana and he had no direct heirs that could manage that entire heritage after 1925, the year of his death. But the dice is cast and luck is for the daring, the second Viscount Cacongo becomes Carlos Ernesto Rodrigues Leitão, nephew of João José, son of his brother Pedro Leitão Petropolitano Rodrigues, the young man saw his claim to the title to be confirmed by el king Don Manuel II, now in exile in London. The new Viscount as any man of his time a bon vivant, single and as such liked women. Conveniently had a "governess "on each of the farms. In the Orchard, he built the chapel, which is a replica of that exists in Quinta mother of men, in Rochinha, enlarge the house and still create a pond. Curse or not , the fact is that none of them gave him children and once again the heritage has no direct heir in 1958 or title , since by this time there was no monarchy in Portugal and no one could confirm the charter of Viscount . The orchard farms then goes for me, nephew of Carlos Leitão, I, Robert Huber Garden, untitled.
Of the past of the Orchard only echoes the ghosts that inhabited the house, a troop of souls as I say, as was the case of a sister of my grandmother who died when she tried to jump a bonfire, now only my guests say they saw a girl in one of the back rooms. However, do not be scared, though all were politely asked to leave by an exoteric. And just to finish in 1960, in Portugal of the Republican, Américo Tomaz, the president graced us with a visit for the inauguration of the Levada dos Tornos that is at the rear of the homestead. Currently, the 40-hectare estate produces various kinds of fruit, which I planted to keep the spirit of the name and also I develop organic farming projects. I'm renewing recovery of the main house and the chapel, because I intend to open the Orchard Farm to the public and tourists. Hopefully next year. Not to stay, just for visits.