A Look at the Portuguese World


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New guide to help promote tourism in the North throughout the year. "Villages of Portugal" is a new guide to "combat tourism seasonality" and promote "local economy" that Tourism of Porto and North of Portugal (TPNP) and the Tourism Village Association (ATA) launched later this month of March. The publication…
The doctoral thesis of Tania Barros, defended at the University of Aveiro (UA) bought and genetically explains the origin of the expansion of this animal species in the Iberian Peninsula. The scientific discovery of this young Portuguese scientist was highlighted and made the cover of the latest Mammalian Biology number…
The concept of solar village developed by Ines Rodrigues, won the 7th edition of the Prix Terre de Femmes. A green initiative created fifteen years ago by Yves Rocher Foundation, which aims every year to highlight an ongoing project undertaken by a Portuguese woman that leave a positive green trampled…
Permission for hunting activities in protected areas of the Iberian Peninsula has generate disagreement between environmentalists and governments. Recently, the Portuguese government allowed the hunting of wild rabbit in the southern part of the nature reserve of Malcata, a protected area for the Iberian lynx. Although, there have been no…
Approximately 54% of domestic households has at least a dog or a cat. The data represent an increase of 9 percentage points in just four years, this is one of the main conclusions of a study by GfK published at the end of 2015, explaining that this trend is due…
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