A Look at the Portuguese World


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Registrations are open for the IX edition of the Montepio Acredita Portugal Entrepreneurship Contest. Promoted by Acredita Portugal and Caixa Económica Montepio Geral (CEMG), this is Portugal's largest entrepreneurship competition and the second largest in the world, and aims to identify, develop and reward ideas and projects from different sectors,…
Begins on October 10th at 5:30 p.m., for the second consecutive year the project + INCLUSÃO ESCOLAS, at the Horácio Bento Gouveia school in partnership with the Regional Secretariat of Education The project + INCLUSION has as main objective the development of autonomy in the development of activities of daily…
The Financial Institution for Development (IFD) promotes a Public Financial Instruments Disclosure session, on October 9, 10:00 a.m., at the Portuguese Business Association (AEP). During the session, the characteristics of various financial instruments will be presented in detail to the entrepreneurs, such as Mutual Guarantee Financing Lines, among which the…
The National Commission of UNESCO (CNU) and the Artistic Center "The House on the Side" will celebrate a protocol of collaboration with a view to the creation of a UNESCO Club in Vila Nova de Famalicão, specialized in the area of ​​intervention and artistic creation. Named "UNESCO Club - A…
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