A Look at the Portuguese World


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Rui Soares it is an artist that expresses in his painting various artistic currents for such he established two aliases, Ralf S. which addresses the design of the real world, Antero S. that reflects the world around you in a more abstract interpretation and other works in his own name…
  Cidália Abreu, Joana Matos, Sofia Gomes and of course, the cat, Tobias are Oupas!, A small graphic design studio that is most recognized for its work in cardboard, but that has other facets in terms of sustainable design. A business idea that was born from the will of three…
It is a project inspired 100% by Portugal. A brand that focuses on domestic production, through the work of various illustrators embedded in everyday objects. A concept of Raquel Pinto and Manuel Teixeira that beat on the great diversity of themes inspired by the Portuguese culture. In that context arises…
  According to Ernesto Silva Coelho his works follow a freestyle collaterally to the spontaneity of his mind, transcendent to outer appearances, manifested in the realm of ideas as a starting point for the implementation of a thought, an awakening of reason, or a process of mental creation, the protagonist…
  Teogonia marca o arranque de um projecto artístico com origem num poema mitológico escrito por Hesíodo no século VIII antes de Cristo. É uma obra com 1022 versos que descreve a origem dos deuses, assim como do seu envolvimento com os homens e os heróis que foi transposta para…
FaLang translation system by Faboba





