A Look at the Portuguese World


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It is the fictionalized story about the life the queen that changed Portugal, written by journalist Isabel Stiwell. The reasons that led me to suggest this book are very simple, first, because it is one of the few books that cover the life, though partly fictionalized, of a queen of…
It is the first novel by poet Eduardo Pitta depicting a hidden Portugal in the closet, or maybe not. It is a book that has a very fluid narrative, you read it in a heartbeat, has a burning nerve writing that feeds the reader's interest until the last page, it…
It is a tour thru the country and the memories of a love interrupted. This book is a hybrid novel, on one hand, is the story of a real train trip initiated by the writer Almeida Garrett between Lisbon and Santarem, on the other, is the novelistic narrative of love…
Antonio Barroso Cruz writes compulsively, an obsession that impulses him to tell stories about people of other parts of the worlds. He creates scenarios, experiences and everyday journeys that result from his travels, these chance encounters that awaken his imagination towards fiction. It is a book of chronicles, but different…
It’s a book with several male voices written by Ines Pedrosa. What is this book so different? Because has the crudest kind of language, unabashed writing, uncompromising and fun description of the male vision of the feminine universe described by a woman. Does it make sense what I just said?…
FaLang translation system by Faboba





