The true story of a brotherly duo in SIC Radical.
At first the fighting men I you recall did only minor incursions, or rather, invited them self, into official openings and other political events which ended with their expulsion by the police. It reached the point of absurd when they appeared by mistake on the national television news of other channel, which showed a bit of amateurism, when they were little known to the general public. Gradually the brothers Falâncio and Jel become a popular phenomenon, which has grown thanks to some of their "exploits" in political campaigns, the street parades and the appropriately intervention mottos accompanied by guitar and drums and clothing that takes us back to the 70s, the April revolution. The peak of its popularity reached its zenith recently when they won against all odds the 47th national song contest of 2011. A course that was only possible to the space SIC Radical gave to this type of humor does not always meet the consensus. But, as the tradition is still what it was, the fighting men are more than ever the fun voice of the people and are well-prepared to fight in various parts of the country, are almost a mandatory attendance to rally the hosts, because if something is consensual in Portuguese, is his willingness to laugh. For this reason, the humorists have always held audiences captive in television. And the revolution comrades, still goes on...