It is the everyday academic life where there is room for discussion.
I have my doubts on how a show about the academy can be seen as public service television, though, some of the topics under discussion are of great relevance to viewers. One of the debates I watched with great interest was placed on special education at the university, or students with special needs who enter this world, their difficulties in terms of architecture, or the level of learning support, the classes and how they are viewed by colleagues. The approach of this issue was made through a wide range of dissimilar opinions that contributed positively to a discussion that I consider relevant. For young people with almost no experience in television, patio displays a program grid that includes dynamic and interesting stories and little notes about the extracurricular activities, but nevertheless avoidable are the repetitions, the famous balance of the school year should be eradicated once and for all and should rely more on items that appeal to young students outside the academy. Overall, I think it's a program that should be issued only on closed circuit television at the university, because it has a very limited audience.