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Confessions of a mature woman

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It's a book published by journalist Maria Elisa Domingues, which discusses her career, her personal life, the sandwich generation and other more practical chapters.

The book is subtitled, how to face aging without fear why?
Maria Elisa Domingues: Because I never employ the anti-aging expression, which today is used by charlatans of every field. Cannot counteract the aging, nor is desirable, it's a lucky thing that we are here and go older, otherwise it's terrible, we just die. What is possible is to age the best possible way physically and intellectually to continue to be the most productive for our society and for our families, Doris Lessing, who died over ninety years of age said the best of aging is the dispossession. I think I haven't got there just yet I'm a accumulating still a lot of stuff, but I hope to get with age deprive of all the accessory and really concentrate on what is essential.

It is also a reflection on old age.
MED: Is not good for a nation's economy belittle people who are at their best in terms of capabilities, many who invest in specialized training throughout their careers and after fifty the country shoos them happily, because they no longer serve, come the newest. I situate me in the generation designated internacionally by sandwich, are the ones who have to do some care to our parents, in-laws and uncles, who treated us when we were small and at the same time we have to worry , especially from the financial point of view with our children, victims of the crisis, unemployed and we are in the middle, with wages also committed, whose reforms have been cut and we have to tackle all these problems, which we did not expect. What we crave once we reach a certain age it was to have time to travel, to do other activities for which we had no time during our working lives and we are faced with this new reality in which we have encountered with a quite distressing perspective from the financial point of view, not limited to the future of our country, but our children and grandchildren sometimes. However, it is not a pessimistic book, looks towards the future, looks at this third life stage in a positive way. Has a good dose of optimism and resilience, of being able to reinvent ourselves and find new challenges, new activities of pleasure, awakening to life with another joy with other "air” called that chapter "10 years younger" because often these new activities are those that will rejuvenate us in some way, are tools for maintaining our physical form and then there are the activities of the intellectual point of view. The complete book also has several chapters that would call practical, the lack of a better description, which deal with nutrition, beauty, from skin care to cloths. They gave me a lot of work to write and research, all these themes were deepened the best I could so there are not just a repository of platitudes, I try to support the themes in a more scientific way. Interestingly, there was a great disinterest by these chapters, because they are allied to the status of women and therefore are labeled futile, which is of the male dominance is very important economically and that is the reason that is evoke and I do not agree.

It is a feminine book, but it is a feminist? Because you title a feminist.
MED: I do not title my selve of feminist, I am a feminist and I think that feminism is more current than ever when we are far from having achieved parity which is the least we can aspire to, because we are more and better prepared. But it is not a feminist book, is no leaflet, no need to be a feminist to join things of which I speak off, was not written from this perspective, only in the last chapter I argue that people remain younger embracing a cause, a movement, something that are in love a lot, but it can be anything else, other activity, I know people that dance the tango and that's what keeps them young, some do meditation or yoga and is in the very end of the book I speak of mine, which is feminism.

Interestingly you addresse the issues related to fashion, which are seen as futile, because women while contributing to produce millions not only in clothing, but as well in cosmetics and perfumes, are also reponsable by domestic decisions from the purchase of appliances to the car. However, all this is seen as futile that's why you decided to write about these topics?
MED: No, that's not why I decided to write. I really thought were interesting chapters and that people would like to read it, what surprised me was the reaction of the journalists who had a huge interest in that book, too large even had a huge enthusiasm from TVs, radios, magazines and newspapers, but no one has addressed this chapter and I was thinking why? I concluded that in the head of most people, even journalists, these industries continue to be considered futile, they do not give them the true credit it deserves.

You said reporters, but even included the women.
MED: I was interview many women journalists, but they address with this chapter too little, incomparably with the others, particularly the professional life, I realize that it arouses great interest my retirement, the sandwich generation, because of the material difficulties families face and lead so many people to psychiatrists. I talked to several doctors, there are even some references in the book of those conversations, whose pratices are currently full of people of my age completely crushed between the weight of caring for the older and having to take care of the younger ones, in great distress, because people at this age thought they were going to have a makeover, with a quiet old age if you we can call it that and they do not know what to do because they have to support their parents and their children that sometimes even bring their own family.

The various chapters are quite disparate, it was hard to get to this selection?
MED: For me are the various topics that make up the life of a woman, it was a breeze, was just thinking about my life. My first chapter is one of my main concerns, the sandwich generation. My previous book was about my mother's death and cancer, reporting to my role of caretaker.

That is a role still predominantly feminine?
MED: The taking care of is still feminine, is the father, mother, or aunt.

Which remain me of Paulo Portas speech about Portuguese women caregivers of the entire family, there still all this macho image, which is painfull is that is still very present.
MED: What I find is that it is an image that reduces the scope of women, because they are all that, but do everything else away, that's what shocked people because it is an old view of the women had to stay at home to look after the family. Paulo Portas is a very intelligent man, I believe it was not what he meant, but said it and nothing in politics goes blank.

You said that took care of her mother having a very intense career, however, this profile is very similar to many Portuguese women, is a reality.
MED: Yes, in my case I had a little more luck, because my father died quickly, within three days, but my mother remained extraordinarily healthy up to 85 years of age and as I was already well advanced in my professional path, it was not something that affects me up in the middle, however, that more intense phase, 40 and 50, I could count on her great support regarding my son. So for me it was absolutely clear that when it came to my mother's turn of needing me, being seriously ill, there where no doubts about taking care of her and she at least die if not in her home, at least in mine, with her family, without ever going to the hospital, except in a very short period of emergency. What eventually happened was that she died peacefully at her home surrounded by her family, I think it's the dream of every person and fortunately I was able to satisfy it. Now, I know it is very difficult for women facing situations like that early in their careers and at an age when they cannot leave the job without a large penalties. I was already at that stage where it was possible, was 61 and 40 years of contributions to social security, but for other people it happens earlier and are terrible dilemmas, I do not judge anyone, do not criticize those who cannot do this , blame, those who can do it but won't, and there are many, for selfishness, for the nuisance which is a lot of work and it's not that they cannot financially.

Confessions of a mature woman is a reading for mature women, but can also be read by young people who are not are yet at this stage?
MED: I'll give you an example, I will cause a surprise, I have been to many book fairs and a few weeks ago was in Sesimbra. In the end of the autograph line, a mother and what looked like a teenager, who after all was 17 come towards me, I turned tothe mother convinced that it was she who had bought the book and she said no, the autograph was for the daughter who bought it, read the book cover to cover and now we exchanged emails, you know what she liked the most? The fashion section, she is a fashion designer student and told me that was one of the best things made in Portugal on fashion. Life is amazing. And I have found many women of 30 and 40 years of age who read the book and also in this book fair show up many men.

And what did the men say?
MED: That bought it because they wanted to learn more about women.

Continue without understanding women?
MED: Apparently and we also do not understand them very well either, finally! (laughs)

Why this book now at this point of your life?
MED: Because while working more regularly on television simply did not have time to write books, I could only write articles was a collaborator in several newspapers and publications, was the maximum I could do aside from my work on television. The books take longer, have a treat in more depth, I felt for the first this great need during the illness of my mother, I was very influenced and challenged by a doctor, so it was written in co-authorship on fibromyalgia, although it was a much my problem, I can say the initiative was not mine. The book about carers arises because I was confronted with a serious lack of literature on this, its enormous solitude, all the difficulties faced by a caregiver of all kinds, whether the practical, financial terms until the end the existence of the people who gave us life, for me it was very distressing. And once you have stopped working full time, having to confront me with the retirement age, which will only truly happen now because only now I reached the age came to this awareness of my generation who were caught between the care of the old and having to respond to the young, because they have lost work or home and sometimes return with another household and we have under one roof three generations or more, these were my first thoughts and found it interesting to talk about it. Then I thought I could supplement these with other chapters that interest women, from love life, but as others of a more practical nature that do not cease to be treated as seriously as are the others.

You also said that always addressed these issues from the journalistic point of view and not of the author.
MED: For now I consider myself just a journalist who also commonly write books, iF I turned to be something else or not, I do not know. I will always be a journalist because that's why I studied and completed my training and that's how I feel.

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